Here you can always get the latest revision of Thea Render. The versions are provided with installers containing both 32 and 64-bit variants for each operating system (except for MacOSX which contains 32-bit version only).
Important note: the revision posted here is the latest development snapshot. To stay on the safe side, it is recommended to wait until some basic testing is made and version is accessible from our web site downloads section.
Installation Instructions
On windows, you simply double click the executable installer and select the components you want to install. On a 32-bit system, only the 32-bit application can be installed but on a 64-bit system you have an option to install any of those (but not both of them although this is possible by running the installer twice).
Typically, the application is written in Program Files folder for all users while all data and resources are found in the "Thea Render" folder in ProgramData (or ApplicationData depending on the OS).
For linux, there is a simple tar.gz package. Once you have extracted the files inside the folder of your choice, you run the install.sh file by clicking it (or install-x64.sh for 64-bit OS). This installation script, will also create a desktop icon (Studio) for your convenience.
The "ApplicationData" folder for Linux is "~/Documents/Thea Render" (where ~ is your home directory).
On macs the installation is perhaps the easiest of all. The dmg image is provided and all you have to do is to mount the disk (i.e. double click on it) and then drag & drop the Thea application bundle in your Applications folder or anywhere else you like.
The "ApplicationData" folder for Macs is "~/Library/Application Support/Thea Render" (where ~ is your home directory).
First Run
As your very first render, you can browse the material advanced simulation scene. You can open it directly from the menu File > Scenes > Examples > AdvancedMaterialSimulation.scn.thea. Now you can see at the bottom of the central window (the viewer) two tabs, namely Viewport and Darkroom. The viewport is the OpenGL realtime view, but click on Darkroom where the main postprocessing controls are. Click on Start button, to start rendering - the scene is setup to use max threads with TR1 unbiased engine. Logically, in a few moments you will see a nice material ball.
Changes Log
Thea Render v1.1.05 Revision 628 (3 February 12)
Navigation/selection modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt) are not processed now when cursor is outside Viewport (solving problem with Alt+Click previewing thumbnail tooltips). (UI)
Synchronized UV coordinates editing between Viewport, Properties and Material Editor. (UI)
Changing UV coordinates updates dirt map as well now. (UI)
Thea Render v1.1.05 Revision 627 (1 February 12)
Better refresh mechanism for TR1/TR2/PBD in studio darkroom. (UI)
Added editing of position coordinates for selection in the main interface. (UI)
Added editing of UV Coordinates properties for selection in the main interface. (UI)
Implemented workaround for OpenGL selection when dealing with meshes with junk vertices. (UI)
Added Displacement global switch to render settings. (UI)
Added samples per pixel stopping criterion for unbiased/progressive render methods. (Unbiased/Progressive engines)
Added more consistency checks (for normals and uv) for meshes. (I/O)
Improved formula for bumped glossy and coating (leading to better shadow definition and reduced noise). (All engines)
Added undo when changing texture UV coordinates. (UI)
Fix for "overzealous" missing bitmap dialog (popping up empty). (UI)
Added command line opening in matlab and darkroom mode when opening mat.thea and img.thea files. (Shell)
Fix when dropping a displaced material on a non-displaced (and vice versa) during interactive render. (IR)
Fixed micto-bump for displaced models. (All engines)
Pressing the exit big button in matlab and client user interface mode exits immediately without asking. (UI)
Fixed viewing now in darkroom hdr/rgb float bitmaps (when double clicking on textures panel). (UI)
Added support for IR engines inside normal (darkroom) render settings. (UI)
Bump and normal mapping are now independent of scaling (when using bitmaps). (All engines)
Added custom installation folder for libraries. (Installation)
Fix for bump/normal mapping when rotation is applied. (All engines)
When changing now texture for a grouped point light, child lights get the new texture. (UI)
Grayscale images can be read now and stored more efficiently internally. (I/O)
Added more flags in the context menu of models and point lights. (UI)
Corrected motion setup copy-paste and added "Paste Follow". (Motion)
Scene merging is now applied recursively on model and light groups. (I/O)
Improved clean up after merging scene with model conflicts. (I/O)
Added complex motion and menu context options for defining multiple-track motion. (Motion)
Fixed funny mouse behaviour when draggin sun on hemisphere gizmo on 64-bit systems. (UI)
Fixed bump/normal/anisotropy mapping on certain triangular meshes. (All engines)
Fixed UV bump/normal mapping dealing now correctly with left handed frames. (All engines)
Fixed Cubic/Cylindrical/Spherical mapping when used with bump/normal mapping. (All engines)
When user is at a camera, a tooltip appears and when it is mounted, the tooltip and focus rectangle go red. (UI)
Refreshing now list controls with added bitmaps after drag and dropping materials. (UI)
Added support for solid texture mode without lighting in Viewport (toggled with key 'L'). (UI)
Added support for texture tonemap complement on specific bands (red/green/blue or combinations) - to be used with DirectX or other variants of normal maps. (UI)
Added committing position to models (this is skipped for animated and shared meshes). (UI-I/O)
Added support for extended name-bitmap tooltips that are shown (centered) when alt+clicking on list icon (shift-click on linux). (UI)
Thea Render 32/64-bit RV628-v1.1.05