This Lumion Mini-Tutorial will focus on better reflections for Opaque Reflective Surfaces. 这个小 教程主要想说的是在Lumion 3.0中如何去得到更好的不透明反射效果。
It’s important to understand that by this I mean highly reflective surfaces without transparency. We won’t be using the Glass shader for this tutorial. Why? Simply put: Because we can’t. For instance, the glass shader does not support the necessary requirements to work with Normal Maps. Good news is on many occasions you can get away with the Standard Material for better reflections on Opaque Surfaces fine. 首先是要明白,我通过这个想说的是“不透明”的高反射面。在这个教程中,我没有用玻璃材质,为什么呢?玻璃材质不支持我所需要的法线 贴图。好消息是,通常情况下,你可以通过标准材质来得到更好的反射效果
Second thing to be aware of is that we will focus on highly reflective Glass-like surfaces. Planar Reflections are not limited to these but since floor-materials for example require a different approach, we will get to those in a later tutorial. So what about those reflections themselves? You’re getting a mirror effect? Too much noise quickly? What and How for better reflections really? 第二件需要注意的事是我们做的是高反射的“类似玻璃面”。平面反射并不局限于此,比如地板材质的做法就不一样,我们会在后来的教程中讲解。那我们到底怎样改进我们的反射呢?
What makes a good Normal Map for better reflections? 法线贴图的要素: It should preferably tile 最好是无缝贴图 Support Lumion Standard Material 符合LU标准材质的要求 Scale properly 大小合适 Not have any low-frequency detail or noise. 没有噪点 Distort with a credible and interesting pattern 产生的扭曲也很真实 Simple and clean would probably best describe it. 简单干净
As you can see there really ain’t much to this. All you need to do is use the Standard Material in Lumion, check out the settings provided (more or less).and experiment away until you discover something that fits your needs. Try not to overdo things. For the purpose of this Lumion Tutorial I’ve applied settings that could already be considered exaggerated. It’s also probably best to differentiate between settings for stills and animations. For animations you can go a bit more extreme as it will keep things interesting. For stills it’s easier to spot artifacts etc. 你可以看到,真的没有什么技术含量。你所需要做的仅仅是使用LU的标准材质,然后再看看我提供的参数,然后实验一下,直到你找到适应你的参数。不要太过,因为我给的参数已经有些夸张了。这应该也是在静帧和动画之间最平衡的参数了。对于动画,可以稍微再夸张一点,来得到一个更有趣的效果,对于静帧,更容易去找到合适的反射。
TIPS & TRICKS: 小提示:我就不翻译了,自己翻译去吧。哇哈哈哈哈 There is a shadow clipping bug in Lumion preventing shadows from showing up inside reflections close to the camera when using the Planar Reflections effect. Update on Lumion 3.1 > Remko reports this bug should now be fixed in Lumion 3.1 Try and use single polygon planes for Geometry when using Planar Reflections. This helps avoid certain black-banding artifacts when distorting the reflections with Normal Maps. Tweak your settings from inside Movie or Photo Mode via the Effects On menu which will allow you to preview Planar Reflections whilst editing them. Use as little Planar Reflection effects as possible since they are very resource intensive. Drop an interesting texture onto Glass opposing the facade you have applied Planar Reflections to. This is a great way of adding a ton of free detail to your scene. If you don’t have a clue what I mean by this, no worries cause it’s a bit cryptic indeed. I will go into more detail on adding quick details to your scene in another mini-tutorial soon (Thanks Chase for pointing this out ). Don’t forget to use the ‘Reduce Errors/Flickering’ slider in the Planar Reflection effect when using it for animations.